Galleon - In The Wake Of The Moon

In The Wake Of The Moon is already the ninth album of the Swedish neoprog band Galleon in their 25th years of existence. Strong compositions with beautiful community singing, melodic music in which Ulf Hedlung Pettersson and Sven Larsson have the oppertunity to give their solo performance on keyboards and guitar. Göran Fors got a nice and good sounding voice and his bassplaying I strong while drummer Göran Johnsson controles everything. You can call Galleon a surpisingly very strong band, with a brought reference of bands, but surely their own sound, which makes them unique. The quality of the eight compositions is of a high standard. After the bombastic starters Stages and Wallflower and the instrumental Child’s Play the band slow down in the titletrack, a beautiful ballad with a strong Tangerine Dream ambience. The first part of War At Home, called Woodland Creatures, opens as an instrumental with mainly Hammond organ, after which the ambient Aftermath follows. Over the Hills And 3 Feet Under is the second instrumental, a composition mainly driven by several guitarloops of Sven Larssen. Mr. Murphy is again a very bombastic composition after which the album ends with the beautiful Rain. In The Wake Of The Moon has become a very strong album, with beautiful compositions which are of the strongest Galleon has ever written. A wonderful atmospheric progressive album.


Childs Play
In The Wake Of The Moon
War At Home
- Woodland Creatures
- Aftermath
Over The Hills And 3 Feet Under
Mr. Murphy


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