An Introduction To Dutch New Wave Volume 17

Life's what you make it. I know and the past few weeks have been busy. When the summer holidays started at the end of June and I was full of ambition to start my learning route for the Office 365 exam, I didn't know what to expect in the upcoming weeks. Normally these weeks are not that busy, which leaves an IT Officer the time to do the administration. Check the licenses, check the accounts and read some stuff including preparing for an exam. Then my colleague left for a six weeks holiday for Morocco, and soon after we had a break in and over thirty laptops were stolen. It was done with the peace, with the administration and learning period. At once we had to work hard to make sure we didn't fall behind. Within two weeks we enrolled 30 new laptops, did the administration and ordered and implemented new security tools.

No time for the learning curve, since the working days took their toll. Instead of finding time to learn, I demanded rest and relaxation. So what do you do in such a case, you urge for music. And so I went on the internet again and started searching for new Dutch New Wave bands. To my surprise Volume 16 was released much earlier than expected, so for number 17 I took my time, making sure it would be something special. And to be honest I am very proud with this new volume.

Some background information concerning this new volume, since for this time Discogs was my major source. Already having a huge list of bands I started to search on members of several bands, with one thing leading to the other. For example Rob Brautigam, like Michiel Peters on Volume 16, was a member of The Nits. Both released their own solo album, although most of the Nits members participated on it. Alex Roelofs, also an ex-member of The Nits, was a producer, which resulted in Shift (Volume 16), Cancel (featured on a future volume). From there I lost track, although I came through several links which led me to Christ In Concrete. CIC brought me to the compilation Frisian Air Play and so on and so. Since I am coming from the province of Noord-Holland, the area of West- Friesland got my interest again which led to Yoichi Hara. And at last also, to be honest, Soulseek helped me a lot (again).

The result: a much enjoyable Volume 17 with the following tracklist:

01. Ensemble Pittoresque - Better Life's (4:07)
02. Rob Brautigam - Looking For Alice (2:26)
03. Slauerhoff - More (3:46)
04. T Planes - Abbatoirs, Balloons, Calculators (2:35)
05. Yoichi Hara - Where Are You (5:26)
06. White Birds - Possessed By The Stars (2:18)
07. Bleistift - Looking Swell (3:12)
08. André De Saint Obin - Is It A Cop? (3:09)
09. Non Allignment Pact - Mr. Murdoch (4:15)
10. Kafblau - Back Against The Wall (3:09)
11. Kees van Kalmthout - Prophesy (2:41)
12. Esprits Animaux - Society House (5:52)
13. Paul Spannenberg - Six Mrn (3:11)
14. Amnesia - Hibernia (5:33)
15. The Visitor - Great Balls Of Fire (5:12)
16. Christ In Concrete - Lady Madonna (2:19)
17. Tempo Di Marcia - Tempo Primo (1:44)
18. D.D.D. - D Day Disco (3:32)
19. A Silent Scream - The Looking Glass Of My Life (5:30)
20. Spivs - There's No One For Me Right Now (5:55)

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