
Six years ago as a joke I compiled a compilation filled with songs containing Winter in the title. It was just for fun, since I like the season, especially when there is snow and ice involved. When we're able to skate on the lakes and rivers.

This year I visited Switzerland in February. Spent some days in Bern and visited the Kander Valley, my favourite Swiss location for the summer holidays. In Bern there was no snow but as soon as we drove towards the Kander Valley, the snow dominated the landscape. And when we came out off the tunnel, that connects Spiez with the Kander Valley, we arrived in a white world, while snow was still falling.

We parked our car in the center of Kandersteg and walked for hours through the snow. Familiar places look much different when there is a white carpet spread over it. It made a great impression on me, and is a memory that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

It was not only for the snow we went there. We also visited the Unheilig concert in Bern, where the band had put the track Winter on the setlist.

So with this in mind I sat down behind my computer this morning and did a search through all the music files I own and collected over the years. I came up with a massive list of 95 possible songs. I wanted to create a certain mood, and the result is a 19 songs compilation featuring well known to less known artists with a diverse musical styles ranging from new wave and synthpop to dream pop and progressive rock, which are going back to the eighties.

Here you find the information about this compilation.
And here you find the information from the first compilation created in 2010.



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