Soundtrack for a rainy day
After a couple of days of nice sunny weather, the weather gods decided that it was time to switch to a wet version for a change. I saw a colleague turn in soaked completely. Within the atrium of our building the rain is pooring along the windows as heavy as on the outside, so our facilities manager has some work for the next couple of days.
The funny thing is that immediately you start associating the event with music. So some nice songs popped up which I had to share with you.
Alphaville - Summer Rain
The Blue Nile - Tinseltown In The Rain
Boulevard - Rainy Day In London
Crazy House - Burning Rain
John Foxx - Europe After The Rain
Freiheit - Kissed You In The Rain
H2O - Who'll Stop The Rain
Bruce Hornsby & The Range - Mandolin Rain
Ice Cold In Alice - When The Rain Comes Down
Modern English - Rainbow Ends
Virgin Dance - Rainy Days
The Weather Prophets - Why Does The Rain
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If you not have only 1 track :
First track (Ultravox -Astradyne) from Boston: